Eyes Without A Face (Paintoem)
Poem by: C-Note; Painting by: C-Note; JoJo Whilden–Netflix

Donald “C-Note” Hooker’s Eyes Without a Face is a haunting prequel to his Paintoem Life Without the Possibility of Parole. 



condemn Her

To life without the possibility of parole


condemn She

When societal forces may have played a role


condemn Them

The 175 women

serving life without the possibility of parole

About the Paintoem

Poem by: C-Note

Painting by: C-Note; JoJo Whilden–Netflix

Explaining his process, C-Note reveals:

Apparently I had already written a poem for that Paintoem that I wasn’t aware of … I felt this poem published by itself is bland. So I had to come up with an image.

C-Note manipulated a Los Angeles Times headline photo of photographer JoJo Whilden’s Netflix photograph for Orange is the New Black; he used a white color pastel to remove their faces, as a metaphor in exposing the plight of this nameless and faceless incarcerated population. The remaining eyes conjured up the popular 1984, Billy Idol song, Eyes Without a Face, so he used it as the Paintoem’s title, as a symbol of the 175+ women serving Life Without the Possibility of Parole (LWOP) at the Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF).

The original was donated to MinisterKingXPyeface for the 2019, Artivist In Action & Solidarity exhibition and fundraiser for two highly prominent newspapers that published prison issues, San Francisco Bay View and California Prison Focus.

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Eyes Without a Face challenges perceptions and confronts injustice. Your purchase of an art print directly contributes to raising awareness about women serving life without parole – click on the image below 👇

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